About Marie

I was born in the early 50s in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.  My family was middle-class, and my life has been completely ordinary. I was born with the abilities of mental telepathy, a seer, precognition, and astral projection capabilities.  By the time I was in my early teens I started to develop mediumship capabilities and remote viewing capabilities, and at the same time I started doing spontaneous healing sessions and spontaneous intuition healing sessions with people that seemed to find me when their need was great. From my early teens until the present more people have just met me spontaneously when they needed me, then people have been able to find me when they wanted to.

About 40 years ago I was sitting in meditation when I saw a hand holding about 14 volumes of sparkling florescent colorful books. I said in my mind, “What is this?” and heard a voice answer back, “This is for you.” I repeated the question and got the same answer and then the books and hand disappeared. After that I did not give it much thought, until three days later when I started to see vivid colors in people’s energy bodies. It took me about a week to figure out that I was seeing people chakra systems and the reason the colors were not matching the common charts was due to the individual’s history.

After that I began doing chakra readings for people. The technique I use is always the same. I sit quietly in prayer asking God and my angels and any angels that the person I am looking at to assist me in receiving the clearest information possible. Then after about 2 to 3 minutes I began to see images of that person’s energetic body, their charkas and any entities or other anomalies. I sketch this out on a chart with written notations. This part takes about 50 minutes. Then using Dragon speak software I convert the information to a text and send it to my person. This part takes about an hour and ½. Then if the person wishes we go over the reading by phone for about one hour. I am sure that I have done more than a thousand readings. 

I have had doctors, nurses, psychiatrists and clergy sending people to me to help sort out difficulties that they were unable to solve with traditional methods.


Physically I am part Norwegian, English, Irish and a small amount of German. I was born with vivid red hair of an unusual shade, skin so pale you could see most of the veins in my chest and arms, and freckles that crossed my face. For those of you who follow the alien highbred theory, I am AB RH negative blood type, hazel eyes, dyslexic, long thin fingers, large feet, tall, and I have never been able to stand bright light.

“The road to enlightenment is paved with chocolate & coffee”

-Marie Z.

What People Say About Marie


“I was amazed at how much Marie could tell about me! We've never spoken or written but she still saw so much about my life. I really liked that she explained chakras and the meaning of what she saw. She was very kind in recommending things I could do to improve some areas where I hold stress.”

— Lauren H, LMHC

“Marie has been an incredible gift at the perfect time in my life. I felt like she reached inside me and saw through the confused feelings that I have and simply saw the main structure of my blueprint (I could spend HOURS trying to explain everything in a psychologist's office) . I left my reading with a calmness about who I am in the world and what I can do and need to do to keep myself healthy and on my most meaningful path. Filled with hope and self love. ”

— Laura Z, Bookbinder

“I came to Marie for a reading because I was having some health issues I wanted to pinpoint. Without telling her anything she was able to tell me my symptoms, give me an area to focus on to heal and provided advice on herbs to take as well. I found it to be extremally helpful insight as to what was going on inside my own body.”

— Angela Z, BFA Jewelry & Metal Arts